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We Offer a Wide Range of Language Translation Services

Our Core Services

We provide trained professionals with solid experience who will cater precisely to our clients’ needs. Each of our interpreters, translators, and editors is trained in a specific field, whether it be insurance, medical, legal, financial, maritime, or other industries.


We have the most professional and qualified interpreters. All are either certified or fully qualified, have degrees in Translation/Interpretation from an accredited university, and/or have been working in their field for 15+ years.


Target Language provides linguistic experts who are trained to deliver accurate legal, medical, technical, financial, and business-oriented translations. We guarantee translations of superior quality and accuracy at competitive prices.


Since 2010, we have been providing our clients with high-quality transcription services. Unlike other translation companies, fast turnaround is an integral part of our standard service. We also offer an easy pricing model with competitively low rates.

Transforming the World of Professional Translation

Interested, but in a hurry?

Languages We Cover

Professional Language Translation

You can rest assured that your translation will be accurately handled every time by a trained professional, not an automated program or someone who claims to speak the language, ensuring the highest level of accuracy.

Albanian Flag Albanian Arabic FlagArabic Armenian FlagArmenian Bulgarian FlagBulgarian Catalan FlagCatalan Czech FlagCzech
Danish FlagDanish Dutch FlagDutch Farsi FlagFarsi Finnish FlagFinnish Canada FlagFrench - Canada France FlagFrench - France
Georgian FlagGeorgian German FlagGerman Greek FlagGreek Haitian FlagHaitian Creole Hebrew FlagHebrew Hindi FlagHindi
Hungarian FlagHungarian Icelandic FlagIcelandic Indonesian FlagIndonesian Italian FlagItalian Japanese FlagJapanese Korean FlagKorean
Chinese FlagMandarian Pashto FlagPashto Polish FlagPolish Portuguese FlagPortuguese Persian FlagPersian Romanian FlagRomanian
Russian FlagRussian Spanish FlagSpanish Tagalog FlagTagalog Turkish FlagTurkish Urdu FlagUrdu UK English FlagUK English
Ukraine FlagUkraine Vietnamese FlagVietnamese
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